010: Samantha Nixon

If you can believe it, Samantha Nixon (@samnscience on Instagram) used to be a certifiable arachnaphobe. 🕷️ Now a final year PhD student at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, her research harnesses the unique chemistries in spider venom to develop medicines against blood-sucking worms. She joins us on The Wild and Curious Podcast this week to discuss how she got over her fears (giving them names like "Beyonce" and "Whitney Houston" has helped), how the amazing work she's doing is helping local communities, what it's like to be a woman in STEM, and more.

Find Samantha on Instagram at @samnscience.

We also discuss her experience with Homeward Bound, the all-women expedition to Antarctica. Learn more here.

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011: Rebecca Chiao of HarassMap


009: Josephine Ekiru